Editor on May 11th, 2011

Apparently, people who have signed up for Toby Clements  daily domain newsletter are not being added. If that is the case, his old mailing list will get stale quickly. Hopefully, he will resolve this bug quickly.

Continue reading about Toby has a few bugs

Editor on May 6th, 2011

NNNN .com domains are appreciating in price over the past 24 months. (NNNN means – number, number, number, number.  ie, 8664.com) There are only 9,999 possible domains available.  Most are now in private hands.  And, the price of available NNNN domains is rising quickly. Very few are available at a low $ x,xxx. price.  So, […]

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Editor on May 6th, 2011

The auction site  BIDO  top 30 domain sales this year. Domain Closing Price Bids Auction End carbrakes.com $6,945 20 4/20/2011 brandingstrategy.com $3,823 25 4/13/2011 deposit.org $2,100 7 4/13/2011 overvalued.com $1,855 3 2/16/2011 consolidatebills.net $1,138 44 2/14/2011

Continue reading about Bido keeps plugging away