3 letter .com domains remain the best  domains to own for its liquidity.

Namejet sold the following domains between Aug 11th and 20th. Here are the top 30 sellers.  Plus, a list of great buys.

ingles.com $49,899 8/15/2014
COA.com $30,100 8/12/2014
CFF.com $30,100 8/11/2014
CashToday.com $26,955 8/12/2014
Cash.org $15,099 8/12/2014
Dot.org $14,899 8/15/2014
LiveSpace.com $11,121 8/18/2014


(Complete list on the following page)

Shoufa.com $8,504 8/12/2014
HomeRent.com $7,877 8/18/2014
TireCenter.com $7,069 8/13/2014
WOIS.com $6,055 8/11/2014
Frandsen.com $5,401 8/18/2014
CashAdvanceOnline.com $4,899 8/11/2014
CPRclasses.com $4,200 8/20/2014
Lingjun.com $4,200 8/12/2014
Ragazzi.com $3,433 8/12/2014
CapitalTrading.com $3,300 8/15/2014
Justlaw.com $3,101 8/15/2014
CasinoTours.com $2,700 8/15/2014
Polynesie.com $2,669 8/16/2014
biomarin.com $2,650 8/16/2014
Sneakers.tv $2,600 8/20/2014
MSmedia.com $2,600 8/13/2014
Xuanguo.com $2,600 8/13/2014
ImageGallery.com $2,505 8/15/2014
Yeed.com $2,500 8/12/2014
CalTeach.com $2,500 8/11/2014
Kigurumi.com $2,445 8/17/2014
ArtWork.org $2,000 8/20/2014
VegasLine.com $2,000 8/19/2014


Here are some additional domains sold in the past 9 days that were excellent buys including 3 letter .net’s.


ahsa.com $1,600 8/13/2014
aircraft.net $1,500 8/20/2014
australian.net $1,500 8/20/2014
tvla.com $1,310 8/13/2014
gdw.net $1,100 8/13/2014
sle.net $860 8/14/2014
silberstein.com $805 8/17/2014
evr.net $670 8/17/2014
shhb.com $666 8/18/2014
stockrank.com $510 8/15/2014
mediaevents.com $445 8/14/2014
puff.org $339 8/12/2014
dlca.com $337 8/17/2014
sandwichclub.com $332 8/18/2014
mdbb.com $209 8/20/2014
ogce.com $200 8/20/2014
xvp.org $130 8/11/2014
kinqs.com $125 8/15/2014
churchofchrist.net $109 8/12/2014
worldofnails.com $82 8/12/2014
balloonsales.com $79 8/20/2014
hwme.com $79 8/16/2014
occult.info $70 8/20/2014
ohjs.com $69 8/14/2014
poolcentral.com $69 8/12/2014