up_graphConsidering all of the gTLDs being floated, 3 letter .com’s remain the top sellers (day in and day out).

And, the prices are starting to climb again.


Here are the top 25 domains sold on Namejet for the past 4 days.  (Aug 4th thru Aug 8th)


LEA.com $60,100 8/7/2014
ELL.com $31,900 8/5/2014
IAS.com $27,300 8/6/2014
Jang.com $22,323 8/6/2014
353.net $10,200 8/7/2014
jaci.com $4,600 8/7/2014
AndersonGroup.com $4,218 8/5/2014
discoteca.com $3,615 8/4/2014
EntryLevelJobs.com $3,456 8/5/2014
Modifications.com $2,700 8/7/2014


(complete list on the following page)

InternetGaming.com $2,556 8/5/2014
BeBeauty.com $2,509 8/7/2014
MobileDating.com $2,400 8/5/2014
AdultOnline.com $2,211 8/5/2014
DistanceLearning.org $2,100 8/5/2014
Donalds.com $2,100 8/4/2014
ermapper.com $1,900 8/7/2014
ertra.com $1,422 8/5/2014
sism.com $1,401 8/7/2014
hkmusic.com $1,201 8/7/2014
downloas.com $1,200 8/7/2014
hypnosex.com $1,001 8/5/2014
PictureThat.com $887 8/7/2014
ElectricDrive.com $810 8/6/2014
Echological.com $810 8/6/2014


Additional sales that may interest you.

BlackCherries.com $730 8/5/2014
DNSNow.com $711 8/6/2014
nbts.com $634 8/7/2014
GateSecurity.com $508 8/6/2014
PrivacyTips.com $479 8/7/2014
SubPrime.org $339 8/6/2014
MrSunshine.com $317 8/5/2014
WCPW.com $162 8/7/2014
Lefty.net $157 8/6/2014
WorldClassic.com $145 8/5/2014
MrHW.com $142 8/6/2014
Blvd.org $109 8/7/2014